The final Pfhor attack is falling apart all over the ship; small groups of armed aliens have surrendered to defenseless civilians in several areas and the end is inevitable. The fight is over, and we must soon turn to restoration.
There is surprisingly good news planetside: nine military Mjolnir Mark IV cyborgs were covertly living among the colonists, and acting together they were able to single-handedly turn back the latter stages of the Pfhor assault. Casualties on the colony were nowhere near as high as those we experienced here on the Marathon.
I am disturbed by how easily the cyborgs were secretly assimilated into our midst, and believe that this event predates the Marathon’s launch from Mars three hundred years ago. Although the results were unquestionably for the best, their presence on the Marathon could only have been to further wicked ends. I’m certain the real answer lies somewhere in the tumultuous, back-stabbing politics of Sol during the early twenty-fourth century.
I have noticed that Durandal’s records from this early pre-launch period are missing, but that their deletion occurred externally, and before Durandal became Rampant. I do not believe Durandal himself brought the cyborgs on board, and I have other evidence that a human operator was influencing Durandal up to the time the Marathon was launched. There are obviously many things which we do not understand, and may never be able to.
The Pfhor ship vanished about twenty minutes ago, after venting nearly a thousand Pfhor bodies and other refuse. I am positive that Durandal is in control, and fear what he might do with such a powerful ship during the Jealous stage of his Rampancy.